Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Pretty in Pink

Homeowner's Weekend was topped off with a very special wedding - the daughter of two of our club members! The decor was simple and classic - pink, white, lights, and roses but with a fun twist - the giggle table! One of the things that Renee Landry Style is know for is their giggle tables for the children attending the wedding, complete with special decor, games, toys, and other fun things! A must-have if you have lots of kids attending your reception! My other favorite thing of this event was the way Renee draped the fabric and lights from the center of the veranda - it really highlighted how awesome our cathedral ceiling is!

Happy Planning!

John Harper, DJ, brings those great colored lights with him - and I promise it makes the dance party even better :) 

Krista and Gregg - October 9th, 2011

Their Vendors
Decor: Renee Landry 
Ceremony Site: Corolla Chapel
DJ: John Harper